Saturday, April 5, 2014

Self Esteem

Life is hard.

It may seem as though it may be hard for some than others but that is a blatant misconception.

Everyone everywhere has had good luck in their lives and bad luck. It just so happens that you notice their good luck when you are having your bad. That doesn't mean that they are better or luckier than you, they are just experience the ups in their life at the moment.

I can't tell you how often I feel cheated and worthless in life because the people around me are doing so well. I get envious of them and then unhappy with myself because I think "why am I not getting the things that they are?"

It hurts the most when the good things are happening to the people you love. You want so badly to be happy for them but in the little crevice of your mind, all you hear is "why can't I have that? What's wrong with me?"

Here is a little bit of brutal honesty:


You are unique and one of a kind and your life is nothing like anyone elses. You cannot compare yourself to anyone.

I am an actor and I always compare myself to my boyfriend who also happens to be an actor. But this is silly because A.) I am not him and have not lived his life and B.) I am not a boy. I cannot compare myself to a man in the world of acting because, in this situation, gender roles are sort of a big deal.

I am a hypocrite. I tell people these things all the time but need others to tell ME this. We don't listen to ourselves when we need to hear it the most.

My advice is to take a moment, close your eyes and take 3 deep breaths. Don't think, don't speak, just be in the moment. No matter what you are going through, there is nothing that 3 breaths can't fix.