First off:
My wine nights have been sad since you've been away. For my regular blog followers (obvious sarcasm) who are reading this and are not Gaby, she has been away for a year or so in Disney making everyones lives better while they slowly crush her soul; as most customer service oriented places tend to do. (see my post on customer service)
Drinking with my dog is much less exciting when he doesn't drink with me. In fact, the more I drink, the sadder it gets. And the sadder it gets, the more I can see the judgment in his eyes.
Always watching...
Since GABY has been away, she has made new friends who are way less awesome than I am because they don't have posts dedicated to her and therefore are terrible people and should just give her some money to help her leave Florida because she would much rather be with her REAL best friend. (psst. Gaby, I'm trying to get you more money by being mean. Let me know if it worked!)
Speaking of Hamlet (feature in above picture), Gaby is his Aunt. She was there when we picked him up and she was the first one to smoosh his cute little face! Here is a picture of that moment!
Oh my god. He was so TINY!!
Remember when we took a pit stop and let him explore the grass and he was so hoppy and floppy and adorable?! Because I do. And the sky was super clear and you could see an endless amount of stars.
I also remember the first time I met you: It was my first ever power hour. I can't remember who I went there with though but I was getting hit on a lot by "you-know-you". Let's call him Chet. He was really nice and I was new to the school and had no idea who anyone was and you called me over to you and James and you said "you don't want to do that. He's weird. Plus you're really hot and can do way better than that." And I believed you. Because you were nice to me and made me feel good about myself. I also remember the first time we ever hung out.
It was during the corn festival! The delicious corn festival that I miss so much. We were strolling, eating corn, being bosses. You wanted to get James a gift because he was feeling all down in the dumps for not getting cast in anything (flash forward 4 years later and he's doing a little bit of ----->
You got him a bow and arrow made by Boy Scouts. We bring it to him and he proceeds to shoot it at a door and, instead, hits the door knob. It ricochets back at us and he catches it with one hand. He was in a goofy mood after that. Wink.
Also, as I am writing this, there was a fax that came in...
Last thing, before I go, I just wanted to say that I can't wait for your ass to get up up to Illinois so we can have awesome times together again!