Monday, September 16, 2013

What to do when you feel screwed over

Hello friends!

This is a shitty thing to have happen to you but, hey, we have all been there. Whether it be at work, at school, at home, or, in most cases like my own, your relationship.

Here are some things you can do to try and move past it and NOT end up in the fetal position on your floor while you listen to Mumford and Sons.


Take a long 3 second inhale through your nose and a 3 second exhale through your mouth. This will slow your heart rate and get your blood pressure back to normal*. 

When shitty things happen to us, we tend to feel stressed and have a butt-load of anxiety. Breathing (though obvious) helps IMMENSELY. 


Crying feels AWESOME and can instantly relieve unwanted stress that has been building up. Go find yourself a nice, quiet, corner and have a good cry. I would suggest the privacy of your own home or a bathroom stall.

And if anyone tells you that crying is for babies and weak people, feel free to punch them in the throat. Crying does NOT mean you are weak; it simply means you have so much crap going on in your life and you feel as though you are going to explode.

For all the guys out there, if you tell me that you have never cried or it doesn't feel good, than you are a bold faced liar and I can't believe you're defending your masculinity to a blog. GET IN TOUCH WITH YOUR FEMININE SIDE!

Once you've breathed and had a good long cry (this can be repeated as many times as necessary), the next thing you should do is...


Do your best to take emotion out of the equation and REALLY think about what it is that has led you to this point.

What happened to make me feel this way?
What are some reason said thing happened?
What can I do, at this moment in time, to distract myself from whatever happened?
Is there something I can do for myself?
  • get some ice cream
  • work out
  • watch cat videos on youtube
  • etc
Feel free to write some things down so you have a permanent copy of what you are thinking to look back on. And NEVER say "why me?" EVER! You can have a moment of grief but don't act like this is the end of the world. Depending on what this situation is, the moment of grief can last anywhere from 20min-a few weeks.

Saying "why me?" is just bringing yourself down all over again and it is NOT good for you. Always remember this:

Everyone roots for the underdog.


Show the world that this isn't going to bring your bad ass self down.


Take a moment and be the most important person in the world and NOT be ashamed to do so.

Paint your nails, take a nap, veg out on the sofa and watch TV, play a video game, go shopping; Do something that makes you feel important and/or makes you happy.

If you are like me, you prefer doing things for others because making other people happy makes you happy. And this is okay! It is okay to be this kind of person. The problem with us is, we don't make enough time for ourselves.


And never apologize for it. EVER.

You should be the most important person in your life. If you have a significant other, they can be right up there with you, but they should NEVER get above you because once you are not important to YOU, you have successfully forgotten who you are.

You are your own best friend and if you don't like yourself, why should anyone else?

If for some reason none of these seem to be working for you, I will suggest one more option only to be used in DIRE circumstances.


I do not condone violence. However, there are specific circumstances when someone screws you over so badly that you black out for a little bit and aren't responsible for your actions.

Case and point: A boyfriend cheats on you and has lied to you about it time and time again and you catch him in the act. That would be a perfect time to throw some punches.

I have gotten to step 5 and, as good as it felt (which was REALLY good), it didn't fix my problems.

You have been warned.
* I am not a doctor

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